Version 1.1.1c

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- Created drops for Ritter Banneret - Created walk animation for Ritter Banneret
- Forlorn Hope has a small chance to drop Challenge Scroll (Ritter)
- Added Challenge Scroll Ritter Banneret - Balanced Combat stats for Ritter Banneret (Lv 106)
- Added dialogue Ritter Banneret
- Added new challenge function
- Ritter Banneret now pierces 50% immunity
- Florian now pierces 40% immunity
- Ulrich now pierces 40% immunity
- Heinrich now pierces 30% immunity
- Implemented 40% of Fratricide
- Fixed bug with Deer defensive stats
- Fixed bug with Goat defensive stats
- Fixed bug with Deserters defensive stats
- Made Ritter Banneret tankier
- Made Ritter Banneret pierce 60% immunity
- Tweaked Ritter Banneret Drops
- Challenge Scroll Ritter now also drops from Ritters
- Increased Ritter Banneret health
- Gave Ritter Banneret the Sweep skill
- Increased Ritter Banneret Attack Speed
- Rebalanced fletching exp to be more consistent
- Bows all take only 4 seconds to make now
- Bow string only takes 2 seconds to make now
- Added recipe for Sheaf of Oats
- Added recipe for Sheaf of Rye
- Added recipe for Sheaf of Barley
- Adjusted Forlorn Hope drops
- Added a bunch of tech, lore objects, new NPCs for Fratricide
- Longbows now take 4 seconds to make as well
- Bows can no longer fail when making
- Fixed a bug where Pickaxes were the wrong material
(Textures will be updated in a TP repack at a later date)