Server Opening

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Staff member
posted Jul 8, 16

Less a day till we open! There are however a few housekeeping things we need to get out of the way:

1) Texture Packs

The ingame prompt is glitched meaning for now you will have to manually install the required and recommended texture packs, the instructions can be found here:

Texture Pack Download Links and Instructions

2) Incomplete Features

The server as you know has many custom features, however due to glitches with one of the key plugins the following features will be taken down for maintenance:

- Quests
- NPC Shops
- Mobs
- Combat

We will get the Citizenry Plugin up again as soon as possible. Furthermore, even after we get all our core features in place around 1 week after opening, this does not mean the server is complete - we are nowhere near complete, we are dedicated to providing our players with new features and content for the entire lifetime of the server. There is no "completion" as long as we have an ounce of creativity in us.

You can look at the proposed update roadmap here (will be frequently updated):

Update Roadmap

Once again stressing that on opening the server is no where near complete, the basic features are not complete and we will be working throughout the week to debug, add recipes, add items and add mobs as well as writing quests.