Ingame Music

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posted Jun 16, 17

The reason for no opening this weekend is so that we can sort out some final 1.12 merge issues, and to give more development time for us to develop the dialogue plugin, mobs, shops and music composition as well as builds, more info on updates to come mid-next week.

The first time we talked about implementing custom music (no downloads/mods required) ingame was a year ago, we're glad to say we finally have the development time and resources to properly implement this. Plugin wise we hope to complete is mid-late July.

In a nutshell depending on what you are doing at the time be it farming, fishing, gathering resources or fighting the music played would differ, the environment will also determine what music pieces are played to you. We have been working on drafting the main theme this last week and have two drafts to give you a preview on what music will be like. These drafts are done on Piano, the melodies will be the same when we convert it to Minecraft but just a wider array of instruments and more polish. The Main Theme was designed with the intent of giving off the themes of scheming, conflict and opportunties.

We are in the middle of doing draft three before converting it to Minecraft noteblocks. Enjoy!
Don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel: Hegemony Youtube Channel

There will be four different playlists on the channel in the future: Features, Build Cinematics, Soundtrack and Workshop (Workshop will be showing us working on things such as music drafts, build timelapses etcetera)

Draft One

Draft Two