Honey, Alcohol and Cheeses

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posted Jun 5, 17

Before we get into the update news, we would like some suggestions and your views on what you would like to see in the server that would interest you, be it more ways to make money, more shops, more pickpocket targets, more mobs and such.

Bear in mind that this month will have no features updates due to all coders away working on finals, but basically we're looking at ways to make the server more interesting for everyone. The server was designed to be grindy, but content was meant to be tailored in a way to make you want to grind. We've noticed that people are less motivated / interested lately and that could be due to finals/being busy in life but also likely due to lack of motivation / interesting content to drive the desire for grinding.

So please tell us what you think in this thread:
Suggestions for June

We have just implemented the ability to collect and render honeycombs in the server (Lv. 15 Farming required), simply take honeycombs from apiaries (you will need a Smoker tool).

We also added a few more crafting recipes, next weekend we'll put in the crafting recipes for cutting various gemstones and make sure raw gemstones correctly give the various gems. Barrels, Malts and Hops can also be made / gained now, and yeast will be purchasable. I'll enjoy drinking the various brews you guys make!
