Europa Dynamic Map

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posted Feb 7, 16
We are configuring a dynamic map and tidying up our current map, we will start to build the physical aspects of the world now creating villages and towns in the pristine and beautiful Alpine Valleys and mountains of West Österreich. This area will be the starting area for players and the economy of the area will be focused on hunting (collecting pelts), rearing sheep, weaving, fishing, mining and woodcutting. Though we would have loved to include our unique farming experience, for lore purposes and climate accuracy there will be no agriculture in this area.

Players would find it hard to eke out a survival in this harsh environment, we hope to have insulation parametres coded in for equipment upon server release. However in this bitterly harsh and cold land, there are opportunities rife for your exploitation, beautiful scenaries to discover, will you learn the tricks of the wilderness? Or will the wilderness claim another unfortunate adventurer in her harsh winter blizzards?

Dynamic Map will be released soon so you can watch us as we build ingame. We will also be announcing our very unique features we are working on for Citizenry as well as the dynamic economy we will have and the announcement of a new skill: Merchanting.