Delayed Behind the Scenes

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posted Jul 1, 17
Hey everyone, we're still putting together patch notes for this month so we're running a bit delayed with this month's behind the scenes, we'll get the news post out asap.

There are multiple 1.12 bugs that surfaced this weekend, we have to revert some skin changes that was causing server to throw heaps of errors to logs and fix a bank deposit bug (to do with craftable max stacks issues). Other bugs that we're fixing since Marten is back:

- Double plant bugs
- Syntax improvements for items
- Combat 'overkill" bug
- Combat menu visual improvements
- Experience message bug fix
- Crafting output prefix fix

This week I have been very busy recruiting more coders for the server, more info to come on our plans and administrative stuff for this coming month. (Should be out within 48hrs)

Once again sorry for the delays and lack of June openings, but most of the team had vacations / exams and was not abel to develop.