Behind the Scenes - June

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posted May 31, 17

Hello everyone!

It has been another month now and hope everyone is working hard on their finals / enjoying their vacations. Both our developers are still on leave due to preparing for their finals but everything should be wrapped up towards the end of this month. We will be adding content heavily during this month.

Recently implemented features include the "Interact" feature which currently lets you milk cows, we will be extending that towards milking various other animals such as sheep, goats and horses, collecting items from animals such as urine and shearing animals. Pickpocket is doing nicely too and we will be adding support for all manners of pickpocket targets.

The levels and combat stats of cows will of course be balanced, they are currently using Alpine Wolf stats. We have created the recipes for bucket creation (buckets are used for filling with water, milking and creating apple mush for now), we will be adding the recipe for Barrels as well this week as well as the recipes for creating Malts, shops for buying hops and yeast so that alcohol production can start full swing.

The churn station has been made, currently it only supports making butter, we will be adding support for the various cheeses and rendering of honeycombs this week as well.

For the added convenience of collecting farm related materials and in anticipation for yet another farming Hamlet near Burg Hofsteden, we have added a bank to the exterior of the Burg:

Amongst other tasks that we've used placeholders for, we're now at a stage that we're polishing our current features before implementing new ones, the combat menu for example now has the "I like trains" placeholder text replaced to give the proper information display, weapons will now also have a tooltip that displays right clicking will open the combat stances menu:

Builds wise, we should have the new farming hamlet which will include barns (for dairy cows), tomatoe fields, fruit orchids and a painter's house at the very least laid out this weekend at the following site:

We will also begin work on constructing the outlaw's settlement deep in the mountains, creation of mines in the valley, and various other new resources to get a more even distribution of player movement.

With other quality of life updates, these would be adding details to our existing builds, the lake village and river village for example could do with a major sprucing up in terms of architecture as our build style has dramatically improved since building them, we're also hoping to pick up a builder that we've set our eyes on that meets the quality required and style of the server. Below are some teasers to some detail improvements we are making to our builds such as Iron Bars on top of anvils and of course custom paintings (no texture pack or mods required), we found a way to do it with 0% server resources strain thanks to a tip from aforementioned potential builder:

Feel free to suggest actual paintings of the time period that we should implement. In terms of balance updates, Tena has been helping me with balance suggestions so hopefully when I find time to actually read his findings we will make very swift progress on new stuff such as:

New mobs, new shops, new spawnpoints (going to fill everywhere with life), new pickpockets, new recipes. Range will also get a rebalance some time in this month.

All in all a very busy month coming ahead and thanks everone for play-testing, suggestions and helping with balance stuff!

PS: This coming weekend is the last weekend for the easter event.