Behind the Scenes - July

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posted Jun 29, 16

This is a very action-packed month development wise, everyday for everyone on the development team is stuffed full with tasks and we are abiding to strict deadlines to ensure we open in ten day's time.

Plugins wise we will be busy brushing up and completely debugging Citizenry which is our custom plugin that handles mobs, NPCs, quests and our economy. As soon as Citizenry is complete we will begin writing up the tutorial quest and quests for starting areas, balancing mob stats and their drops and defining their spawn areas and amounts.

As there are no chest-shops in the server, Citizenry handles all trading through NPC shopkeepers and we have a very unique custom designed shop interface with a dynamic economy where the price of a good depends on the geographical distance to the nearest production centre for that item as well as the stock levels:

Shop Main Interface

Shop Selling Interface

Items wise we are creating all the types of armours that players will be able to use, we just finished balancing every single weapon and will now be proceeding to balance all the armours and implement them into the game, textures wise all the weapon textures are now almost complete:

Our Archivists are also working on creating more herbs that players can collect which can be made into various ointments, potions and of course weapon poisons. Work has already started on creating all the recipes for Weaponsmithing, Armoursmithing and Fletching and all these should be ready along with Cooking recipes on server opening.

Builds wise we will be rushing to get the outlying Hamlets and a Bandit Camp complete before opening and during late July we hope work can start on our very first town, however we are already planning the architecture of the town and it is a very refreshing style to village styled architecture.

Just a clarification on some World Engine features, for fishing, bait and a tool is required and the combination of the bait and the tool is a "fishing method", depending on the location and fishing method you use, you will get different fish but the mechanics of catching a fish still uses vanilla fishing processes with a MUCH higher bite rate.

Mining you extract ores from ore veins, you do not need to dig into caves and mine through junk stone and such to get ores. Veins when mined turn into plain stone and regenerate turning back into ores, mining processes are different to vanilla and use our own custom system for determining when you "break" the ore.

Woodcutting involves chopping an entire tree down, aim above the root but you must swing at a log block, you may destroy leaves to get to the log block and once again woodcutting processes uses our own custom system.