Behind the Scenes - January

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posted Dec 30, 15

This has been a great year for us, we have created many systems that will serve as the building blocks for this unique server. We look forward to another successful and productive year with you all. I am happy to announce that we have set a target date to open the server on: 15 March 2016. Once the server is open, it will be permanently open, there will be two weekly maintenances to add content / rebalance the server, there may be rollbacks / resets during the earlier phases of the server if something highly unbalanced is exploited and such but we will do our best to manually fix the issue rather than rolling back the server.

The server on intial opening should feature around 1000 custom items and around 200 recipes as well as the basic resource gathering and crafting skils implemented such as fishing, hunting, cooking, mining, smelting, smithing etc. In terms of the play map, there should be at least a 1000 x 1000 world with several villages, outposts and a castle for players to explore and quest in.

After release we will steadily add content in terms of items, recipes, locations, quests and features such as more complex and unique skills such as Thieving and Agility. During the previous month, we worked very hard on the Items Database and have now over 100 custom items implemented, we are working on polishing the crafting plugin to make crafting more complex, immersive and versatile with items. Our unique grief protection plugin World Engine is also coming along nicely and we are working on the aspect of it which lets us replace vanilla item drops with our custom items.

During January, we will be doing a lot of the building of the world, and writing up the quests one of which is the most important tutorial village and the tutorial, which will use quests to guide the player through how to play the game.