Bank Fixing, Interact and Pickpocket

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posted May 12, 17
A small update on what we have been working on this week, we have had to manually fix the bank databases (again) which has taken a lot of time. Implemented support for interacting (such as milking cows or collecting urine from horses) and pickpocket into the server, these now have cooldowns for your target, which means you can only do each action on a particular target after a certain amount of time, this is to balance experience and item gain from these new features.

We have also been working hard to patch duplicate and bugs with the trade system, the player-to-player trade ingame system is now completely bug free and working as intended (right click players, click trade to initiate trade).

The tutorial has also been completed now so a huge load will be taken off people giving tours - would like to thank everyone who has given tours in the past for your efforts in growing the server and also to help out new players with advice on how to do things via chat now that an automated ingame tutorial has been set up and switch to a more gameplay advice giving rather than how to play perspective.

See you all this weekend!