Content Update 2.3.0 - December 14th

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posted Nov 30, 18

Hello everyone!

We're proud to announce the date of our planned 2.3.0 content expansion that will come online on December 14th. We have been working on this update for the good part of the last 6 months and are very glad to be finally announcing the contents of this update!

Just some minor useful links:
- Texture Pack Full (1.13): COMING SOON!
- Support us on Patreon:
New Builds
Innsbruck is now underway with a cathedral and the beginnings of shops and rentable housing. Soon this will be a bustling town where we estimate completion of the town will be before the launch of 2.4.0 (the next content expansion).

We're also working on an open pit coal mine that will offer better ores and better coal. We're sure that everyone would put these new resources to good use, crafting stronger armour for our newly minted boss fight mechanic.

Speaking of new metals and armours, we're adding around 3 sets of metallic armours into the game to fill in some more niches that the current sets do not address.
Here is a preview of one of the new sets:

Greaves are now fully operational and can be crafted, to equip it simply open our custom equipment menu and equip it into the relevant slots (pieces of armour that occupy vanilla slots can still be equipped directly in inventory).

We will also be introducting shields into the server though this might be 1 - 2 weeks after the content update, shields instead of adding flat defence stats to your character, can be used to execute a block which will trigger your attack cooldown but will provide a short window of time where there is a chance to block an attack. This should add an element of skill to combat and also provide more of a challenge in PvP.

If this mechanic is abusable, we will be probably implementing something that randomizes NPC attack intervals, to be less predictable.
Some armours have been renamed to reflect their textures.
Champion Challenges
For those that played in the previous few weeks would have experienced the ability to challenge champions to a fight. These champions are hard to take down and need decent gear and supplies as well as friends.

After feedback, we decided to scale Ser Prised to a medium tier champion instead of entry tier champion as the fight was taking too long, the now recommended level for Ser Prised is Lv. 50.
In case you missed the event, here is a video:

Instead we will be introducing an assassin archetype boss as the entry level champion, defeating champions will award Abandoned Vault Keys to the players that contributed the most to the fight as well as random other goodies.
We have also implemented skills to champions such as AoE sweeps, AoE knockback, Stun, Poison and Bleed (and made the relevant items that cures Poison and Bleed)
Abandoned Vaults
Abandoned Vaults are the vaults found in most banks (Iron Doors), using an Abandoned Vault Key on the vault door will award you with the relevant items.

Keys can be gained from various sources from non-combat and combat activities but the most common way in which you will receive them will be from Champions (Combat) and completing Treasure Clues (Non-Combat).
Treasure Clues will require you to solve a series of clues and will involve a myrid of activities before finding where the NPC has hidden their key. Clue Fragments can be attained from activities such as combat (drops), pickpocketing, fishing (caskets) and woodcutting (birdnests), and can be activated and added to your quest list.
Quests Overhaul
Quests have been overhauled with a much more reliable saving and loading system that protects against database corruption. This should solve all our old issues of quests resetting themselves.
The new GUI is also very efficient in tracking what you are going to do, and what you have done.
We are also adding support for icons to float above NPC heads if they are part of a quest or have a quest available as well as an all available quests GUI to make questing easier.

We plan to implement 2-3 more quests including a quest that allows you to rank up from Serf to Peasant in the 2.3.0 release.
Ranking Up
Ranking up will be a feature that will be available in 2.3.0. Ranking up offers various benefits such as prestige, the right to rent better housing types, and in the future land deeds (player owned land) and companion amount.
Houses will be available for renting in 2.3.0 in all currently built locations apart from Innsbruck. This includes houses that include farmland in the farming valley.

Rent Customization
You will be able to customize your rental with our new powerful hotspots system, furnaces will be removed from all houses and you will have to build them. There are block restrictions on what can go where and larger housing units will even have room to build a work station of your choosing that only you can use.

For example in this screnshot, you can place workstations where brown wools are in build mode, stoves where red wool are and fixtures/decor where blue wool are.
This brings up to our there new skills: Construction, Farming and Firemaking
New Skills
will allow you to make fires in the wild and cook your food due to furnaces being rentals only and only being able to use your own furnace (and some very scarce public ones)
The chance to burn food on an open fire will be higher than the chance of burning food on a stove. Fires made from better woods burn longer.

Heres what open fires will look like:

Construction will allow you to process better woods and build better furniture serving as both an aethestic purpose and providing actual benefits to your rental or in the future player owned region such as "Luxurious Oven" which reduces burn chance and other fixtures that will either provide you with resources and items periodically or provide a boost to levelling activities or be storage facilities.

Here is a small example of what furniture will look like (no texture pack required, server sided):

Farming this long awaited feature will allow you to till farmland and plant seeds in the relevant farm plot. This will be most efficient at higher levels, planting rarer herbs and would be the only reliable way to have a stable supply of herbs used in high level potions necessary for champions and dungeons.

Here is a small demonstration of farming below (note still lots of polish to do):

We have converted Hofsteden Hamlet to support farming plots by replacing a lot of the vegetable with arable land.

Custom Enchants
Custom enchants are rare enchants that can be found on items such as chance to catch double the fish, mine double the ore and chance to smelt less coal for example.

These will be found primarily from boss fights, ultra rare drops an abandoned vaults. Most of these items will have durability.
Inventory Crafting
We now support launching of our custom recipes from the vanilla crafting menu in your inventory, this means simple tasks like knocking up a crate, crushing bone into bonemeal and making fertilizer will be available as an inventory craft, it is useful to think of the crafting grid as "Use X with Y" function...for example applying Weapon Poison to your dagger:

Ambient / Environment Improvements
We have improved ambience and environment through the introduction of fish swarms in water (also to denote where higher chance to catch fish are).

Playlists have been overhauled to play in appropriate regions and at appropriate times, for example night time songs will only play during nights and alpine songs will only play in alpine regions. We have also implemented some ambient sounds to increase immersion (once again server sided):

We have hired several artists to create skins for us, so expect to see much more NPCs and mobs for 2.3.0 (new mobs will be in the area of 20ish)

Heres a preview on some:

Stability Improvements
We have improved the reliability of our saving systems, loading times and hosting. This all translates to faster logins, less latency and lag and less chance of losing items.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the day this content update launches!