Behind the Scenes - September

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posted Sep 8, 18

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the belated news update but we wanted to make sure there was considerable content ready before writing about what we have been working on and what we have planned for this month. Lets go through the very exciting game updates first!

We have begun work on the abandoned vaults system and most of the external code is now ready, we just need to polish some things and wait for our quest system rewrite (offers a lot more features and better GUI management of quests) before we start letting mobs in Europa drop "Tattered Maps" which will send those lucky enough to loot them on amazing adventures to find buried keys.

These keys can then be used on a corresponding abandoned vault that the original owner of the key has long since forgotten. Will you find some powerful weapons? Or precious treasure? Or some insanely valuable family heirlooms?

More news on this and custom durability, custom enchantments like "Chance to use 1 less coal when smelting" soon! (Also check out them sexy new menu icons)

We have almost finishing up polishing World Engine 2.0 and that means that advanced region customization, rentals and removal of barriers and implementing actual fool-proof region barriers!

Speaking of environmental things, our Ambience plugin is just about complete, if you logon, you will be pleased to hair our custom server OST playing. We will be integrating it into World Engine shortly in order to provide a seamless experience by dictating what locations and conditions must be fulfilled for certain pieces to play, as all these were composed with a location in a server and an activity in mind.
We are also working on making rental systems more robust by limiting how much of each property you can rent at once based on your ranking and quest state. Customization of furnitures and creating workbenches will be online shortly as well, as a side effect of this, you will only be allowed to use furnaces that are public or owned by you to cook your food. To compensate, we will be implementing firemaking and cooking food on open fires.
Builds wise we are going extremely well, with 3 more structures in Innsbruck complete, reimplementation of the Bank of Innsbruck (it also got spruced up to better match nearby structures) and the implementation of Hofkirche.

We plan on starting on a huge building spree in Innsbruck based on the following plan, to get the central commercial district at least 30% complete:

All in all, a very action packed and productive first week of September. For the remainder of the month we plan on the following features:
- New combat formulas implemented
- Quest system update
- Rental customization
- Abandoned Vaults and Treasure Keys
- Construction of Innsbruck
- Custom enchatns and durability
- Construction of a Monastary (on the Alpine hills)
- One new Hamlet
- Various new mobs, shops and NPCs

Looking forward to a productive September!