World Engine Updates, Recipes & Items

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Staff member
posted Jan 1, 16

We have made great strides with our World Engine plugin and the plugin for the most part is complete, we will be creating the configuration files that will replace all vanilla minecraft drops with our custom items. There will be many configuration files for example on default settings, players will catch Trout and Pike in a region but if we were to flag that region as arctic in region properties, players will catch Cod instead, overwriting default plugin drops.

We have also begun work on brainstorming the foodstuffs that will be present in the server, we would love if you all could join in the discussion and provide us with feedback on foods that are planned on being implemented along with your suggestions on what other foods you would like to see in each category or even suggest an entirely new category!

Hegemony Foodstuffs Discussion Thread

We look forward to creating all these delicious recipes for you all!