Hochhügel Village

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posted Feb 9, 18

Hochhügel Village is the latest village we have completed, here is an overdue timelapse! The village was built in a record 3 days (Farming Village took 3months for example).

The village mainly relies on income from pelts, hides and leather goods, being high in the alps, this plateau village has a very harsh temperature. If it weren't for the tavern few would brave the miserable conditions for a chance at riches through hunting and trapping animals.

The surrounding hills are filled with wild animals with valuable pelts...should you be strong enough to tackle them and include:
- Alpine Martens
- Alpine Lynx
- Alpine Wolf
- Ibex

Surrounding Hamlets such as a cheese making hamlet eck out a survival in these otherwise barren hills.
(NPCs will be added for this area shortly).