Dialogue, Bank Recovery, Mob Overhaul and New Recipes

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Staff member
posted May 16, 17
Hello everyone!

Hope that finals and life in general are going well for all, I haven't had much time lately due to some extra projects I have had to handle lately at work. Our developers also are preparing for their finals so development will be slow over the next 6 weeks.

Bank due to the shift from normal stacking to infinite stacking and back and forth caused irreperable database corruptions, we had to nuke banks for this weekend (but kept a backup of the records) so we can retrieve your items for you whenever you come online and give them to you manually.

There is some good news however, we've recruited some Level Designers to help balance mobs (stats, drops and pickpocketable items), shops, resources and recipes. This means that over the next 6 weeks despite not getting much significant updates mechanics wise, we will see huge content updates due to my time being freed up to build and design the world with our architcts. Hopefully our skin artists will also be back soon to create much more skin designs for us. (We also hope to get Herblore up soon, have to dig in the code to find the relevant syntax)

Our Citizens are growing mouths! Work has started on the dialogue aspect of Citizenry and to give you some idea on what quests will be like and what quests will involve here is an example on what one of our non-storyline quests that is currently planned: "Amaranthine Love" will involve.

Link Thread: Workshop - Amaranthine Love

In terms of building, we have laid our first brick for a settlement that is not quite a village but larger than a Hamlet at the foot of Burg Hofsteden. This will have many castle related structures such as a weaponsmith/blacksmith/fletcher in an armoury type building that produces items for the castle, fruit orchids, a church school, brewary and paddocks.

Work will also begin on the outlaw's settlement, below are two of the outlaw skins.
