Behind the Scenes - February

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posted Jan 29, 18

Boy oh boy, where to start with this Behind the Scenes, so much has happened in the past month development and content wise...maybe I should start with my favourite picture from January, none other than these two lovebirds, floating gently down the stream:

Okay now that important picture is out of the way, this previous month has been great for development and players alike a quick recap on updates:

- Implemented our first ever quest: Steward's Assistant
A very fun, easy and interesting introductory quest, we decided to give it a daily rewards component that rewards players based on their cooking level, at higher cooking levels the rewards are themed, my personal favourite is the dessert themed daily reward which offers various sweetners and fruits!

- Re-implemented many mobs such as hares, marmots, alpine wolves, militia, chickens and more. This gave players incentive to grind and it was great seeing players work together to make most efficient use of resources

- Implemented boats (for the two lovebirds)

- Implemented butcher, seasoning stall shops, implemented salt mine and rebalanced many of the existing shops to provide a wider range of products.

- Tonnes of new NPCs: General Store, Barmaid, Gräffin, Steward and more - Schönsee Village is becoming livelier by the day!

- Implemented a much smoother bank allowing unlocking of more vault and upgrading to premium vaults, as well as a new way to store and withdraw guldens from the bank.

- Implemented fur based armours which provide decent protection and the boots providing movespeed bonus

- Constructed a very large new area, Alpine Pass, Alpine Crossing, Höchhugel Village (our 4th village) and a Cheese making Hamlet and other minor incremental environmental updates to existing areas such as pathing and such.

What we have planned:
This month we have a lot of content planned that we want to implement by the middle of the month:
- Citizenry 2.0 (will allow much more functionality)
- World Engine 2.0 - more resources, ability to rent houses
- Potion Recipes
- Boars, Ibex and Cows
- Leatherworking Recipes
- Improving Smithing
- Humanoid mobs dropping/stealable Guldens
- 3 new quests including a rankup quest
- 2 bank quests
- Filling Lauterbrunnen with NPCs
- Valentines event (more details to come)
- GUI improvements
- Implementation of custom icons for full texture pack
- 3D model for Valentine collectible item
- 4 new cheeses
- More shops
- More NPCs

A big welcome also to:
Kevin (Developer), Kuso (2D Artist), Bhunaboy (2D/3D Artist), muggleworthy (2D Artist). All these are critical roles that will allow us to push out a lot more content this month, our previous bottleneck was skins. (We're hiring: Coders, Writers, 2D Artists)

Our playercount and average playtime is also up due to the addition of new content!
Also welcome to our newest addicts: ExtinctionBomb and Elemental!

- Builds wise we are returning our focus to the farming village and finishing off what would originally be our 4th village but will be our 5th village, and NPCs for that area the resources unlocked would be:
- Various vegetables
- Fruits
- Ducks
- Cows
- Dairy
- Honey
- Grains
- Hops (Brewing)
- Pottery
- Glassware
- Flowers
- Potions
- Lumber

Also of note is this area will have a painter that will sell decorative custom paintings that you can place in your rentals.

Also welcome back Jade & __MrMeeseeks! (Server's resident farmer)

Other Announcements

As some of you know this month has been tough personally (which is also probably why a lot of content got done), I would like to express my appreciation for a long time friend who also played on this server for being here during this tough period and extremely grateful for encouraging me to get to know a special someone.

To that special someone, I would like to say that there is justice in life, it takes and it gives, that even in moments as dark as the underworld, there is still light, that there is a silver lining to all things. All the negative thoughts and emotions that consumed me, suicided themselves in your wondrous presence. So even if ragnarok comes, even if the world is consumed with war, be it civil or martial, you have usherred in an age of unparelled happiness.

I do not know what paths we will walk, but I do know, that you are my
