Architecture - Townhouse Stock Design

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posted Feb 2, 16

Hello Folks!

Spent a good few days experimenting with designs and I am pleased to say that I have now designed the draft for the houses that players can find in towns and cities. These houses will be three storeyed. The design only shows the style and material that we will use, each house will be unique. The ground floor of the house will feature either a room for living in that the player may rent, or a shop that a player may rent and hire NPCs to sell their wares or a workshop of sorts that a player can rent.

Note that this is a very rough design and interiors will still be worked on, what is important is that these ground level rooms and areas are rented separately from the upper floors. Imagine if you are known as a master blacksmith, with a constant source of raw materials and are able to provide a reliable supply of Masterwork quality swords, players would flock all over the world to your shop to buy your wares.
The upper floors are for accommodation / storage and places to cook things, naturally rooms near the town centre or other important utility structures such as banks would be in higher demand. These houses will vary in size, style and function, I would like to stress here that all will be unique builds and laid out beautifully.

Once again these are draft styles / stock design that serves as brainstorming, the final product will be even more refined, in terms of village architecture we have already done the design, all we need to create now is the terrain before constructing picturesque villages for your adventuring.